The easiest and fastest way to serve our clients is using webinar platforms.

  • Why Should YOU Conduct a Webinar?

    You can make easy income from the comfort of your home.
    You can learn strategies to make money during these economic times.

    Even though you cannot leave your home, you can still make money and provide support to your clients on a larger scale.

    As a mental health professional, you have been called to serve and you can make a massive impact without ever leaving the house!

  • Things that will be covered during this webinar :

    -Which webinar system to use
    -How to market to fill up your webinar with ease.
    -How to monetize your webinar.
    - How to price your webinar
    - How to reach your ideal target market
    - How I use Linked In to sell my webinars

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Get Started
    • Webinar 101
    • 7 Sample Email Sequence for Your Webinar
    • Webinar Launch Plan BONUS

Bonus material

  • 7 Sample Email Sequence for you webinar

    $100 value

    This will help you get started on how to sell out your upcoming webinars!

  • Webinar Launch Plan

Wanting to produce your own webinar?

Start now!

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